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Welcome to the resource side of our website.
Here you will find more than 400 links to studies in a wide variety of doctrinal
topic areas. These studies are intended to be comprehensive and to relate a step-by-step,
reasonable analysis delving deeply into the scriptural texts. (We also offer video and audio presentations of some studies.)

Latest Podcast:
The Seven-Headed Beast
This study series posits our interpretive model for the prophetic symbols contained in the books of Revelation and Daniel regarding the large-frame, geopolitical landscape of the world in the final years before Jesus' return. Our model was developed in 2000 and early 2001 and focuses on hermeneutic principles to derive an exegetically-driven interpretive model that bypasses generationally trendy speculation and instead seeks to provide reliable guidance for the eventual identification of the times and nations described in these important prophetic texts. In this series includes the idea that the two-horned second beast of Revelation 13 as a world power just as the ten-horned beast of Revelation 13 and the beasts of Daniel 7 and 8. We will also outline the particular details provided in scripture for identifying that two-horned beast, identify its six historical predecessors, discuss the seven satanic angels who preside over these earthly kingdoms, and discuss the revival of authority to one of those angelic rulers.
The Four Horsemen
Our study series on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is an in-depth examination of these iconic riders. Join us as we explore intriguing questions like: Are the four horsemen just a figurative way for the bible to tell us about coming war, famine, and death in the end-times? Is the first horsemen the Jesus Christ, or the Antichrist, or someone else? What is the significance of the bow, the crown, the balances, and the sword? Is there meaning to the color of the horses? Why is the fourth horseman called Death? Why is Death capitalized? Why does it say Hell followed with him? Does Hell just mean "hell on earth"? Are there four riders or five? How do these seals relate to other parts of John's vision?
Mark of the Beast
Is the Mark of the Beast a UPC code? A vaccine? A computer chip? A smart card or smart phone? Or something else? Over the course of the weeks ahead, our new study on the Mark of the Beast will take a look at popular, conventional understandings as well as considering less traditional understandings as we discuss the exegetical data provided in the bible as well as what we can reasonably deduce from it.
Abomination of Desolation
Our new Abomination of Desolation podcast series will provide an in-depth examination of this important end-times event by looking at the biblical terms used to describe it, historical precedents, and what may be involved.
The Two Witnesses of Revelation
Curious about the Two Witnesses but tired of shallow studies that only point out the obvious, self-promote, or rely on wild speculations or claims of secret prophetic knowledge? Try our study. In it we take a down to earth, but comprehensive and substantive look at the biblical questions and issues using an in-depth, informed, reasoned, and bible-based approach including questions like: Who are the Two Witnesses? Are they individuals or groups? Are they Gentiles or Jewish? Are they biblical figures from the past or are they from the final generation? Who are the 144,000? Who is the woman of Revelation 12? What is the chronology of the final week? Episodes of this podcast series can be found by clicking on either of the links below.
Click here to check out the full set of available audio podcasts.
Click here to check out the full set of available podcasts on YouTube.

Audio Files of Studies:
Click here for recordings of teaching and discussion sessions from our weekly church gatherings and bible study groups. A much larger selection of topics is now available. Check each week for new postings.

Videos on Youtube:

Basic Worldview
101 Critical Thinking and EpistemologyExplores the philosophical question of epistemology and asks the question "how do we know?"
102 Atheism vs. TheismExamines the question of whether God exists from a scientific and logical point of view.
103 Science, the Bible, and CreationArticles on Young and Old Earth Creationism as well as modern Evolutionary Theory and related issues including: the origin of life, the flood, dating methods, and the fossil record.
104 Why Christianity?A presentation and analysis of world religions, religious history, historical reliability and testability of religious claims, which compares Judeo-Christianity, Islam, and all forms of mystical, pagan pantheism.
for Christianity
201 Bible Translations and ManuscriptsStudies on bible translation, manuscripts, textual variation, reliability, historicity and formation of the canon.
202 Foundations
of Our Theology and HermeneuticsStudies include: a suggested reading guide for this website, an explanation of bible interpretation (hermeneutics) and bible studying, information on the early church and its value, as well as biographies, charts, and timelines.
203 Gospel
OverviewTraces and considers the history, major recurring themes, and teachings of the bible from Genesis to Revelation.
of Christianity
301 Roman
CatholicismAn examination of the claims and teachings of the Roman Catholic church, its history, and formation using both biblical and historical data.
302 The TrinityA biblical study of the Three Persons of God in both the Old and New Testament as well as ancient Jewish literature.
303 Bible CosmologyA scriptural study of the ontology of angels and man and the structures of the created universe, heaven, and hell over the course of creation�s history and the progress of God�s redemptive plan.
304 RedemptionExplores how Christ accomplished atonement, provided for forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God, and established New Covenant. Also includes studies on God's Plan of Redemption ("Priesthood and the Kinsman Redeemer"), the New Testament Priesthood, Melchizedek, Grace and the Covenants, the Sinful Nature, how to define sin (Sin and the Covenants), and the location of Christ's crucifixion.
305 Liberty in ChristA detailed look at important issues related to the New Covenant, its laws, and how it relates to the Old Covenant.
306 Covenant
and Dispensational TheologiesA comparison of the modern understanding of the gospel, salvation, and the kingdom of God to the views of the earliest church and Gnostic heretics. This article series addresses Covenant Theology, Dispensational Theology, Premillennialism, Amillenialism, Postmillennialism, and various views of the timing of the rapture.
307 Free
Will and CalvinismA comprehensive biblical and historical analysis of the teachings of Free Will and Calvinism including a review of key concepts, terms, and common arguments.
308 Open TheismAn investigation of the claims of Open Theism using a scriptural study of the operations of the Persons of the Trinity throughout biblical history.
309 BaptismsAn in-depth look at the biblical concepts of water baptism and baptism in the Holy Spirit including a consideration of the necessity of water baptism for salvation.
310 Pentecostalism,
the Charismatic and Faith MovementsUsing historical and biblical sources, we consider the questions involving Cessationism and modern charismatic gifts, biblical methods for testing spiritual gifts, comparing modern and New Testament understandings of the gift of tongues, and a review of modern charismatic movements and teachings.
311 Spiritual
WarfareStudy topics include a survey of demonic activity in the biblical record, what spiritual warfare is and isn�t, and the biblical difference between angels and demons.
312 The Church EthicA series of articles containing biblical assessments of various topics related to modern church practices, teachings, and traditions including: the real problem with the Pharisees; forgiveness and judging; marriage and divorce; homosexuality; Christianity, politics and war; Christmas holiday traditions; the role of the Holy Spirit; music and worship; tithing; communal living; professional pastors and �the calling;� church leadership; gender roles; how to pray; and �how to do church� the New Testament way.
313 PreterismAn examination of the theological claims of various forms of Preterism and realized eschatology covering key passages and arguments, parousia delay, a consideration of relevant historical information, and the date of the Book of Revelation.
314 End
Times Prophecy (Eschatology)Biblical studies on: the major prophetic symbols of the visions of Daniel and Revelation; a comprehensive explanation of the chronology, figures, and events of the Book of Revelation; and a biblical, historical, and archeological examination of issues related to the rebuilding and location of the Jewish Temple.
316 Chronology: Timeline of Biblical World HistoryA detailed and comprehensive study of biblical world history.
401 Early Church
Beliefs: First Eight Writers' ConsensusA topic by topic survey of the views of the earliest church on major Christian theological issues.
402 History of the Early ChurchA historical chronicle of major theological and practical differences between the earliest church and the modern church and the influences that brought about these differences.
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for this purpose MUST be complete, text unaltered, include the authors' names
(Brian K. McPherson and Scott McPherson), and include the URL of this website (biblestudying.net). Copies may NOT be sold, or included in any product for sale without written permission. Graphics on this site are copyright protected and may NOT be copied or used on other websites.
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February 13, 2025
Is Jesus the reason for the season?
The biggest holiday of the year for many people is Christmas. In our modern society Christmas is traditionally considered to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. And it can be frustrating for Christians when the holiday is celebrated as a non-religious festival of gift-giving and Santa Claus. Consequently, there has been an ongoing effort to "keep Christ in Christmas." Given the important place that this holiday has in the lives of many Christians perhaps it is worth looking into the history and origin of Christmas and how it has come to have such significance in the church today.
For more information on the origin and history of Christmas and a biblical look at Jesus' birth, please see our study entitled: Celebrating Christmas
Q: | I'm new here. Where should I get started? | The
arrangement of topics to the left provides a recommended reading order. It
is designed to reflect a step-by-step progression from more basic topics to more
complex ones. However, it is not necessary to follow this order. Those who are more familiar with certain topics may easily read whichever studies are of interest without first going through all of the earlier topics in the list.
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